Kids must be 7 years old or more. Pets are not allowed.
Bijagua de Upala, Costa Rica
+(506) 8411 7801 / 8417 8980
Because we explore
Because we care
Because we hike
The fauna
With 100 acres lying in between 2 volcanos, no wonder that we enjoy so much wild life... Here are a few specimens
All pictures taken by us in the finca !
Alouatta palliata
Atropoides nummifer
Tigrisoma mexicanum
Smilisca phaeota
The flora
Well, Costa Rica being what it is, we have a huge variety of trees, plants and flowers.
One of the first project we started as we acquired the land was to plant hundreds of fine wood and fruit trees as well as 2.000 coco bean trees.
We are developing the garden so that we could not only enjoy a colorful landscape but also take profit of an exceptional soil.
Applying basic principles of permaculture, we try to work with the nature and not against it. Our garden is a mix of fruit trees, medicinal plants, vegetables and flowers.
All pictures taken by us in the finca !
Caoba - Swietenia Macrophylla
2 Ha
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