Finca Mei Tai


The Well Being place

Finca Mei Tai2

Meet the team :



Back Office



Customer Care


The Family

Kenya, Eric, Cécile, Sidney & Syr Daria

The 6 Guest Houses

Free Optical Fiber Wifi !!

You Tube

Obviously our place was built to welcome visitors, but Finca Mei Tai is not a hotel. It's more...
We offer 6 units for our visitors and no detail has been overlooked in providing a sanctuary of well being and tranquillity.

Each site offers a fridge and a coffee machine plus unlimited hot water.



Family House for 4

1 Queen-size bed and 2 singles

For families with 2 kids

82 m² (880 sq feet)
Air conditioning
2 bedrooms

3 (Q/I)


Country side Room for 4

King-size bed and Twin bed

For 2 adults or families with young kids

51 m² (549 sq feet)
Air Conditioning
Private deck

2 (K/Q)


Country side Room for 4

King-size bed and Twin bed

For 2 adults or families with young kids

57 m² (613 sq feet)
Air conditioning
Tropical Sofa

2 (K/Q)


Family Chalet for 5

Queen-size bed and Twin bed and Single

For families with 2 or 3 kids

82 m² (880 sq feet)
Wooden deck
2 bedrooms

3 (Q/T/I)

Guaco / Pava

Lover's rooms - Modern style

King-size bed

For 2 people only

60 m² (650 sq feet)
Air conditioning
Extra large shower / Separate living room

1 (K)


Kids must be 7 years old or more. Pets are not allowed.

Contact Us


Bijagua de Upala, Costa Rica

+(506) 8411 7801 / 8417 8980

Where are we?
Finca Mei Tai

The neighborhood

Because we explore


Protecting the forest

Because we care


The trail

Because we hike

Finca Mei Tai

The fauna

With 100 acres lying in between 2 volcanos, no wonder that we enjoy so much wild life... Here are a few specimens

All pictures taken by us in the finca !


Howler Monkey

Alouatta palliata


Jumping Pitviper

Atropoides nummifer


Bare-throated Tiger-Heron

Tigrisoma mexicanum


Masked Tree Frog

Smilisca phaeota

The flora

Well, Costa Rica being what it is, we have a huge variety of trees, plants and flowers.
One of the first project we started as we acquired the land was to plant hundreds of fine wood and fruit trees as well as 2.000 coco bean trees.
We are developing the garden so that we could not only enjoy a colorful landscape but also take profit of an exceptional soil.
Applying basic principles of permaculture, we try to work with the nature and not against it. Our garden is a mix of fruit trees, medicinal plants, vegetables and flowers.

All pictures taken by us in the finca !



Caoba - Swietenia Macrophylla

Coco bean

Coco bean field

2 Ha


Fruits & flowers




Sacha Inchi

La Finca MEI TAI ses trésors

A l'entrée

Nous avons volontairement ignoré l'entrée pendant des années afin de ne pas attirer l'attention sur nous.

Il y avait une 'maison' à la place de la Pelican quand nous avons acquis le domaine. Cette cabane en bois - qui a fini par s'effondrer - servait de repère au précédent propriétaire et, de ce fait, on trouve quelques arbres fruitiers aux alentours.

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Pour accéder à la maison en voiture, nous avons tracé cette voie carrossable digne d'une autoroute walonne.

Et pour les flaneurs, nous avons bordé notre allée de quelques arbres notables (sans oublier quelques spécimens d'origine). Les plantes sont enregistrées selon une progression depuis l'entrée vers la maison

Autour de la maison

On y a surtout planté de petits arbustes décoratifs et des aromates.

En cherchant bien, vous trouverez, entre autres, un cannelier, du curcuma et un papayer.

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Le sentier

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En fait, il s'agit essentiellement des plantes que l'on trouve sur la section du sentier en gravier qui va de la maison jusqu'aux bassins.

Ce petit sentier avait initialement pour but de permettre aux visiteurs de ne pas devoir emprunter la route carrossable pour se rendre au petit déjeuner. Tant qu'à le faire, on s'est dit qu'il pouvait aussi être joli.

L'étang du fond

Nous avons conçu et élaboré cet étang en février 2020. Il est alimenté par une source qui jaillit 75m plus eau dans la forêt.

Tout autour de l'étendue d'eau, nous avons essayé de parsemer des tâches de couleur sans obstruer la vue. Dans l'étang se trouvent des Tilapias.

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Près des bassins

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Les petits étangs furent conçus dans la foulée de celui du haut, en profitant du lit creusé par le ruisseau préexistant

Les 2 petits étangs sont oxygénés grâce à une série de bassins qui permettent à l'eau de l'étang supérieur de se déverser de manière controlée. On trouve des Guapotes et des Tilapias dans ces eaux claires.

Dans le verger (près du grand arbre)

Au pied du très grand arbre, nous avons décidé de faire pousser quelques arbres fruitiers. Les plantes sont répertoriées depuis le pont de la maison jusqu'au grand arbre.

S'il est vrai que les bananiers sont presque des mauvaises herbes et ne nécessitent que peu d'entretien, d'autres fruitiers sont plus retors et même après une dizaine d'années, certains refusent obstinément de fruiter. C'est un peu exaspérant.

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Le cacao

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Après avoir perdu nos 2.000 premiers arbres en 2016 à cause de l'ouragan Otto, nous avons replanté 1.200 arbres ici.

Il y a 3 variétés qui ne sont pas greffées. Comme nous ne recherchons pas la productivité, on a préféré faire un cacao naturel, au départ duquel nous faisons notre propre chocolat, entièrement artisanal, selon des méthodes respectueuses de l'environnement.

La reforestation

Le premier des 12 travaux que nous avons menés à bien a été de planter 200 arbres dans cette zone, afin d'amener la forêt aux abords de la maison.

Nous avons planté ces arbres en sachant bien que nous ne les verrions jamais adultes mais ils remplissent déjà l'une de leurs fonctions: permettre aux animaux sauvages de s'approcher de nous. En plus, sous peu, certains commenceront à fleurir de manière spectaculaire. D'autres nous donneront des fruits un jour, c'est sûr!

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Aujourd'hui, j'explore...


Dream/Fruit Wiki Where



Mei Tai Cacao lodge is all devoted to well being

  • A family business
  • Artisanal organic chocolate from tree to bar
  • 6 guest houses
  • Tropical forest and wildlife
  • Swimming pool
  • 4km hiking trails
  • Activities include Tenorio NP, cacao tours, wildlife tours, Caño Negro, etc

Here are 4 reasons to visit us

  • Space, privacy and nature
  • Confortable and modern premisses
  • Tailor-made activities
  • Personal attention

Very good reviews from our guests


Freedom loving Belgian family

After 5 years on a catamaran touring the Pacific Ocean, Cécile, Eric and our children Kenya, Sidney and Syr Daria, decided to settle in Costa Rica in 2014. Upon our arrival, we signed the children up to the local school, a task that was not as easy as one would think, but very rewarding in terms of social integration.
We built the main house using several different wooden essences, some of which were cut down from our land, and two bungalows for our guests. We have taking up the challenge of re-planting forests on parts of the pasturelands and tracing pathways through the existing forests. More than half of the 40 hectares of the finca is difficult to access, which has allowed the land to preserve its original wild and natural glory.
Only recently back on terra firma, we wanted to share our passion for travel and a taste of freedom acquired through our exploration of the Polynesian islands. From our time in New Zealand and Australia, we recall the great open spaces and beautiful landscapes, in Hawai we developed a fascination for volcanoes and from the great Northern Canada, an appreciation for calm mornings. In our finca retreat, placed under the sign of water, (we have discovered at least 4 sources and as many lakes and 2 rivers without counting the Rio Zapote which borders our property for just over a kilometre), we believe that we have found the only place in the world that captures all these elements in one perfect spot.

We did write a book but,'s in French

We spent 5 years living on a sailing boat, crossing the Pacific from East to West and South to North. We wrote a book westward and another northward. If you're interested (and read French) you may view it on

Les p'tites bites
95° de latitude Nord

Visitors reviews

Breakfast is the most important meal...

  • Home-made hot bread
  • Fresh fruits (from the finca, season permitting)
  • 3 different juices
  • Best in class Coffee, Tea or Hot Chocolate
  • Scrambled Eggs 'a la Eric'
  • Cereals
  • Cheese and ham
  • Different home-made marmelades everyday

Please, select the language, the room, the delivery hour and the food
Book a room
Please, select a time slot to enjoy the Jacuzzi

There are about 5 km of trails in the 40 hectares of the finca

We built the trail across the finca so that our visitors could walk through an amazing diversity of landscapes. We tried to harm the forest as little as we could, carving a very basic trail. There are no bridges, no stairs, no facilities whatsoever, and yet, the path will lead you across meadows, secondary and primary forest, creeks and even a small waterfall.

The 'long' trail is about 3.4 km long and brings you from 515m to 640m. You climb up the crest and walk through the other side, crossing 2 creeks in the way.


What is a finca?

A finca is a farm whose area lies between 5 and 500 hectares. Less than 5 Ha, it is called a Quinta, over 500 Ha, it is called an Hacienda and, in between, a Finca.
Our finca is mainly covered by forest and that's the way we love it. We still have 14 Ha of meadows to develop farming activities though. We believe that it's more than enough to create a well balanced project, combining organic unextensive agriculture and reasonable livestock. As a consequence, we did plant 2.000 coco bean trees, hundreds of fruit trees and vegetables - mixing them to avoid soil depletion (and we did not forget to plant flowers because aesthetic is part of our project as well).


Almost 60 acres (22 Ha) are covered with forest - and increasing...

The property

There are 3 NP and a wildlife reserve within driving distance for a one day activity

The property

This list was established by local guides

Family Latin Français English German

Cracidae Penelope purpurascens Pénélope panachée Crested Guan Rostbauchguan

Ardeidae Tigrisoma mexicanum Onoré du Mexique Bare-throated Tiger Heron Nacktkehlreiher

Ardeidae Bubulcus ibis Héron garde-boeufs Western Cattle Egret Kuhreiher

Ardeidae Ardea alba Grande Aigrette Great Egret Silberreiher

Cathartidae Cathartes aura Urubu à tête rouge Turkey Vulture Truthahngeier

Cathartidae Coragyps atratus Urubu noir Black Vulture Rabengeier

Accipitridae Ictinia plumbea Milan bleuâtre Plumbeous Kite Schwebeweih

Accipitridae Pseudastur albicollis Buse blanche White Hawk Schneebussard

Accipitridae Buteo platypterus Petite Buse Broad-winged Hawk Breitflügelbussard

Accipitridae Buteo nitidus Buse cendrée Grey-lined Hawk

Falconidae Herpetotheres cachinnans Macagua rieur Laughing Falcon Lachfalke

Falconidae Caracara cheriway Caracara du Nord Northern Crested Caracara Schopfkarakara

Columbidae Columbina inca Colombe inca Inca Dove Aztekentäubchen

Columbidae Columbina passerina Colombe à queue noire Common Ground Dove Sperlingstäubchen

Columbidae Patagioenas flavirostris Pigeon à bec rouge Red-billed Pigeon Rotschnabeltaube

Columbidae Columbina talpacoti Colombe rousse Ruddy Ground Dove Rosttäubchen

Columbidae Leptotila verreauxi Colombe de Verreaux White-tipped Dove Blauringtaube

Columbidae Zenaida asiatica Tourterelle à ailes blanches White-winged Dove Weißflügeltaube

Psittacidae Aratinga nana Conure a gorge olive olive throated parakeet Aztekensittich

Psittacidae Amazona autumnalis Amazone à lores rouges Red-lored Amazon Gelbwangenamazone

Psittacidae Amazona albifrons Amazone à front blanc White-fronted Amazon Weißstirnamazone

Psittacidae Brotogeris jugularis Toui à menton d'or Orange-chinned Parakeet Tovisittich

Cuculidae Crotophaga sulcirostris Ani à bec cannelé Groove-billed Ani Riefenschnabel-Ani

Apodidae Streptoprocne zonaris Martinet à collier blanc White-collared Swift Halsbandsegler

Trochilidae Glaucis aeneus Ermite bronzé Bronzy Hermit Kupferschattenkolibri

Trochilidae Phaethornis striigularis Ermite à gorge rayée Stripe-throated Hermit Streifenkehl-Schattenkolibri

Trochilidae Amazilia tzacatl Ariane à ventre gris Rufous-tailed Hummingbird Braunschwanzamazilie

Trochilidae Amazilia saucerottei Ariane de Sophie Steely-vented Hummingbird Stahlgrüne Amazilie

Trochilidae Heliothryx barroti Colibri féérique Purple-crowned Fairy Purpurkron-Schmuckkolibri

Trochilidae Phaeochroa cuvierii Colibri de Cuvier Scaly-breasted Hummingbird Schuppenbrustkolibri

Momotidae Baryphthengus martii Motmot roux Rufous Motmot Zimtbrustmotmot

Momotidae Electron platyrhynchum Motmot à bec large Broad-billed Motmot Plattschnabelmotmot

Alcenidae Chloroceryle americana Martin-pêcheur vert Green Kingfisher Grünfischer

Alcenidae Chloroceryle amazona Martin-pêcheur d'Amazonie Amazon Kingfisher Amazonasfischer

Galbulidae Galbula ruficauda Jacamar à queue rousse Rufous-tailed Jacamar Rotschwanz-Glanzvogel

Ramphastidae Ramphastos sulfuratus Toucan à carène Keel-billed Toucan Fischertukan

Ramphastidae Ramphastos ambiguus Toucan de Swainson Black-mandibled Toucan Swainson-Tukan

Picidae Melanerpes pucherani Pic de Pucheran Black-cheeked Woodpecker Schläfenfleckspecht

Picidae Melanerpes hoffmannii Pic de Hoffmann Hoffmann's Woodpecker Hoffmannspecht

Furnariidae Glyphorynchus spirurus Grimpar bec-en-coin Wedge-billed Woodcreeper Keilschnabel-Baumsteiger

Furnariidae Lepidocolaptes souleyetii Grimpar de Souleyet Streak-headed Woodcreeper Lanzettstrichel-Baumsteiger

Thamnophilidae Myrmeciza exsul Alapi à dos roux Chestnut-backed Antbird Braunrücken-Ameisenvogel

Tyrannidae Zimmerius vilissimus Tyranneau gobemoucheron Paltry Tyrannulet Weißstreif-Kleintyrann

Tyrannidae Elaenia flavogaster Élénie à ventre jaune Yellow-bellied Elaenia Gelbbauch-Olivtyrann

Tyrannidae Todirostrum cinereum Todirostre familier Common Tody-Flycatcher Graugelb-Todityrann

Tyrannidae Lophotriccus pileatus Microtyran chevelu Scale-crested Pygmy Tyrant Rot-Schuppenkopftyrann

Tyrannidae Contopus cinereus Moucherolle cendré Tropical Pewee Südlicher Waldschnäppertyrann

Tyrannidae Myiozetetes similis Tyran sociable Social Flycatcher Rotscheitel-Maskentyrann

Tyrannidae Empidonax minimus Moucherolle tchébec Least Flycatcher Zwergschnäppertyrann

Tyrannidae Myiarchus tuberculifer Tyran olivâtre Dusky-capped Flycatcher Schwarzkappen-Schopftyrann

Tyrannidae Tyrannus melancholicus Tyran mélancolique Tropical Kingbird Trauerkönigstyrann

Tyrannidae Pitangus sulphuratus Tyran quiquivi Great Kiskadee Schwefelmaskentyrann

Turdidae Turdus grayi* Merle fauve Clay-colored Thrush Gilbdrossel

Troglodytae Cantorchilus nigricapillus Troglodyte à calotte noire Bay Wren Kastanienzaunkönig

Troglodytae Troglodytes aedon Troglodyte familier House Wren Hauszaunkönig

Troglodytae Henicorhina leucosticta Troglodyte à poitrine blanche White-breasted Wood Wren Waldzaunkönig

Troglodytae Cantorchilus modestus Troglodyte modeste Plain Wren Cabanis-Zaunkönig

Vireonidae Hylophilus decurtatus Viréon menu Lesser Greenlet Graukappenvireo

Parulidae Leiothlypis peregrina Paruline obscure Tennessee Warbler Brauenwaldsänger

Parulidae Setophaga pensylvanica Paruline à flancs marron Chestnut-sided Warbler Gelbscheitel-Waldsänger

Parulidae Setophaga petechia Paruline jaune Yellow Warbler Goldwaldsänger

Thraupidae Ramphocelus passerinii Tangara à croupion rouge Passerini's Tanager Passerinitangare

Thraupidae Thraupis palmarum Abttangare (Thraupis abbas) Palm Tanager Palmentangare

Thraupidae Thraupis episcopus Tangara évêque Blue-grey Tanager Bischofstangare

Coerebidae Coereba flaveola Sucrier à ventre jaune Bananaquit Zuckervogel

Emberizidae Sporophila corvina Sphorophile variable Variable Seedeater Mexico Wechselpfäffchen

Emberizidae Sporophila torqueola Sphorophile a col blanc White-collared Seedeater Braunbürzelpfäffchen

Emberizidae Tiaris olivaceus Sporiphile Grand- Chanteur Yellow-faced Grassquit Goldbraue

Thraupidae Arremon aurantiirostris Tohi à bec orange Orange-billed Sparrow Goldschnabel-Ruderammer

Cardinalidae Saltator maximus Saltaror de grand bois Buff-throated Saltator Buntkehlsaltator

Cardinalidae Saltator coerulescens Saltator gris Greyish Saltator Grausaltator

Cardinalidae Cyanocompsa cyanoides Évêque bleu-noir Blue-black Grosbeak Stahlbischof

Ictiridae Psarocolius montezuma Cassique de Montezuma Montezuma Oropendola Montezumastirnvogel

Ictiridae Icterus galbula Oriole du Nord Baltimore Oriole Baltimoretrupial

Fringilidae Euphonia hirundinacea Organiste à gorge jaune Yellow-throated Euphonia Schwalbenorganist

Fringilidae Euphonia gouldi Organiste olive Olive-backed Euphonia Olivrückenorganist

* National Bird of Costa Rica


Why did we plant coco beans?

Although Bijagua used to be a historical area for coco beans plantation, it seems the local weather is not adequate for this type of culture. However, we wanted to give it a try. The 2.000 trees we planted on a very steap meadow are now struggling their way through. We had our first fruit in 2016. Then we lost all our plants in the flooding caused by the hurricane Otto. Then, because we are stuborn, we replanted 1200 trees in a better protected area of the finca. Eventually, we ended up producing a bit of our own chocolate. After all, we were Belgians once...


The reforestation

The finca was once covered with meadows dedicated to milking cows. The previous owner decided to let the forest regrow on the steapest parts. We decided to carry on the process by planting 200 trees in such a way that the forest would extend to our house. We also built a few dams so that flowing water from the creeks would create ponds. The idea was to attract wildlife out of the forest.
That is why we planted a number of fruit trees. Moreover, with the help of a local association whose self-assigned mission is to repopulate the country with endemic plants, we planted rare or endangered species to take part to the protection of nature here in Costa Rica. Hence, trees such as Cocobolo (Balbergia retusa), Ron Ron (Astronium graveolens ), Corteza Amarillo (Tabebuia ochracea), Cristobal (Platymiscium pinnatum), Almendro de Montaña (Dipteryx panamensis) or Caoba (Swietenia macrophylla) are gently growing. Of course, we'll be long dead before they reach their maturity but that does not matter.

Charging station
EV welcome

Green Circle